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If you need to talk to Peter ring 0414536653 leave a message, and your call will be returned either during a break or at the end of the day.

9 Pakington St, Geelong West
  • Travel north along Pakington St, towards Church Street

  • Turn left into SSSP just before the start of the left turn lane

  • SSSP is directly opposite Betta Home Living (the big yellow building!)

  • SSSP has 2 different single car parking options as well as the many one hour parking spaces on both Pakington and Isabella Streets.

  • The middle bay at the front of the building (park behind the car that is there)

  • The middle parking bay behind the building, which can be accessed from the laneway at the rear of the building. This (un-named) laneway connects the RAM auto dealership to Isabella St.


Route 22 from Geelong Railway Station, via Moorabool and Pakington Sts, to North Shore Railway Station (via Bell Park, Bell Post Hill and Corio) stops out the front. Church St stop. 

Birregurra Community Health Centre
28-30 Strachan St Birregurra


The Birregurra Community Health Centre is run by Colac Area Health and services Birregurra and surrounds with quality medical services including

  • General medical practitioners

  • Nursing

  • Podiatry

  • Psychology

  • Dietician

The centre also is home to a gymnasium, classes in yoga, tai chi, child and maternal health as well as other community based activities




To Schedule An Appointment

click the 'make an appointment' tab (above)​
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